Thursday, 10 June 2010

Beautiful Disaster

this past week has been crap. the weather is horrible, everyday and i have basically just been sat at home doing very little revision :L I need to stop overthinking things...does anyone else do this? i just loose hours of sleep going over things in my head, i'm just setting myself up for disappointment...

OK, enough with the depressing mood. There are alot of good things happening right now(and i should appreciate them more!!) 1. I FINALLY got a job!! As a waitress in an italian restaurant, I start tomorrow, I'm really scared though. 2. I have 2 town excursions coming up-1 end of exam celebration and the 2nd my friend's 18th fancy dress :D 3. I'm going to Spain in a few weeks with some friends! 
Here is a polyvore of what I plan to wear :)

current music obsessions: the prodigy

PS. If you haven't already entered my GIVEAWAY just click the link! (ends June 20th)


  1. i love those glasses! just too awesome for words.

  2. i always lose sleep from over-thinking... :/
    i love the revlon lipstick in your polyvore!
    do you know what shade it is?

  3. Those pictures are all so idealistic and beautiful!!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  4. nice polyvore :D i've tried on the topshop floral shorts and they are VERY short :L if they didn't show half my bum i would have got them :P xxx

  5. congrats on the job :) + those sandals are gorgeous.

    i hope your exams go well - i'm finally finished :DDD

  6. these pic.. it's like in a dream, a paradise !

  7. yaay first job! soo exciting! i need a job :(

    i love all the pictures, they're beautiful and make me wanna go on holiday!

    oh i'm going to spain too :D

  8. Congrats for your new job! Hope you are doing great there ;) but you just reminded me that i need to find a summer job too and I haven;t found the right motivation yet :P

    i can't describe how much i LOVE your blog <3 really, the background and the pictures you have chosen to put on the columns right and left....

  9. great photos!

  10. Wow, the lagoon photo is just fantastic. I love beautiful simple images like that
    It would be mine
    Also, just to let you know, I had difficulty reading your text till I highlighted it. Congrats on your job though!

  11. hey :)
    i think i started following you on one of the 'post your blog' threads in LB, but i'd never commented for some reason. love your blog.

  12. Love the polyvore set! Exams are finally over WOOHOOOOOOOO enjoy it! :) xxx

  13. Congrats on the job! I really need one, I've been job hunting for the past few months but have had no luck! I love the Polyvore set :)

  14. beautiful pictures. and well done for getting the job!! eugh i am broke, in need of one so much!
    thanks for the comment, and yes tumblr is so good! hmm i will have to try baking my mum a cake, i would love those trousers!! hahah

  15. Oh I love these pictures.So beautiful!
    Great blog.I am following you!

  16. love your photos. makes me wish i was out in the sun rather than revising! and no worries, i overthink absolutely everything. the only way to come to that conclusion is to overthink it in the first place, right?
    x x x x

  17. Haha I know, I was a bit bummed out when I saw that there weren't padded but I needed it! The print is so cute.
    And congrats with your job!
